After the training period the student will be able to understand how a programmer uses a well-defined structure to write in computer language. The task will be performed under the following conditions: The students will be separated into small enough teams for the activity to be meaningful and ensure contribution from each student. The students will be introduced to a UML diagram and the instructor will introduce the analogies between a UML diagram and a blue print, the students will be instructed on how similar methods can be shared through a process called abstraction ( I would recommend including “wheels” in the vehicle items for this; perhaps a skateboard, a scooter, and a bicycle), the students will then be presented with a large pile of parts and each group assigned a class from the UML to be in charge of sorting from the pile, when this is complete the groups will work together to assemble the vehicles using the UML as a guide. The following standards must be met: students are properly instructed on the similarities between a UML and a blueprint, principles such as abstraction must be introduced to clear up ambiguity, and the groups must work together to assemble the final products by interpreting the UML diagram.

This sounds like an awesome activity! I really like how there isn't necessarily a specific goal, it allows the students to come up with the exact objective themselves, giving them more to think about and process.